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About Us

Created in 2016 with support from Banco Santander, EduLab (the UC Laboratory for Innovation in Education) is a program run by the UC Office of Transfer and Development.

At EduLab we drive the transformation of the scientific research produced by our team of university researchers into innovative education solutions designed to improve the quality of education in Chile and beyond. We have an experimental R&D laboratory where scientists can work on their new innovative solutions for education, including ad-hoc funding to provide new alternatives for participation and encourage collaboration among individuals and institutions.

EduLab has two strategically located facilities, one in Santiago at the UC Anacleto Angelini Innovation Center where industry and academia come together, and other one located on the UC Villarrica Campus aims to become a benchmark in education for southern Chile.

What do we offer?

Available for researchers seeking funding and advice for education solutions.

Where the UC community can innovate around education.

Striving to bolster the culture of innovation in education.

Who is in charge of Edulab?