SimulMedic is a simulation tool designed to support training of healthcare professionals and technicians in drawing blood and placing intravenous lines. It includes simulation software and hardware (phantom) to teach healthcare students how to perform successful intravenous punctures with objective compliance measures.
One of the remarkable features of this innovative tool is how it helps mitigate the risk of errors in real patients using the simulation system which consists of a sensor-packed arm that sends objective information to the student about his/her performance. It also includes results display for data monitoring and storage.
Potential Uses
Designed for use by universities/training centers and other institutions that perform punctures. (Firefighters, Armed Forces).
Unlike other simulation devices, this enables users to perform real punctures and drawn blood in a realistic way, in addition to providing real-time feedback for monitoring the learning process.
Funding is required to manufacture a number of devices for testing at domestic and foreign universities for validation and generating relevant support data.
Research Team
- Fernando Altermatt, Surgeon, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Anesthesiologist, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Chile (2001). Fellow, Regional Anesthesia & Ambulatory Surgery, Duke University Medical Center, USA (2006). Master of Health Sciences (MHSc) in Clinical Research, Duke University, USA (2008). Master of Business Administration (MBA), Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Chile (in progress).
- Constanza Miranda, Designer, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Certificate of Accomplishment in Teaching (COAT), North Carolina State University. PhD, North Carolina State University